Collaboration with the Board of Management
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board was in regular close
contact with the Chairman of the Board of Management, dis-
cussing important matters and decisions in face-to-face
In addition, the Chairman of the Board of Management con-
tinuously and regularly reported to the Chairman of the Su-
pervisory Board between the individual meetings, verbally and
in writing, about all major developments within the Bank.
Activities of the Supervisory Board committees
The Supervisory Board has established four committees. These
are the Nomination Committee, the Audit Committee, the
Risk Committee and the Remuneration Control Committee.
The committees regularly reported on their activities during
the Supervisory Board meetings.
Five meetings of the Nomination Committee were held in
the reporting year. In addition to regular Board of Manage-
ment and Supervisory Board matters, it also addressed, in par-
ticular, the suitability assessment and efficiency review of the
management bodies and preparation for succession planning
for the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board. The
Supervisory Board furthermore supported the onboarding of a
member of the Board of Management and successfully com-
pleted the structured selection process for a new member of
the Board of Management.
The Audit Committee held three meetings, during which it
discussed the results of the audit of the annual financial
statements and of the management report. Other topics in-
cluded the Bank’s internal control system, reports prepared by
the Internal Audit department and by the Compliance Officer,
the results of external audits, and issues and requirements
discussed during meetings with banking supervisory authorities.
The Risk Committee convened twelve meetings. The Board
of Management provided the Committee with detailed reports
on the development of markets in which the Bank provides
property financing. The Committee also addressed the regula-
tory environment, risk strategy, risk governance, legal risks, IT
risks and information security, including data protection.
Furthermore, it considered and authorised loans requiring
approval and took note of any reportable transactions. The
Board of Management presented individual exposures of sig-
nificance for the Bank to the Committee and discussed them
with the Committee. Detailed reports were also provided on
the provision and management of liquidity and on refinanc-
ing. As part of this process, the risk types associated with the
Bank’s business were discussed and examined in detail. In
addition to credit risks, these include in particular market,
liquidity and operational risks, taking into account risk-bear-
ing capacity in accordance with the Minimum Requirements
for Risk Management (MaRisk). Reports on the Bank’s risk
situation were regularly submitted to the Committee and
explained in detail by the Board of Management and Head of
Risk Controlling. Furthermore, the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic and the flood disaster on the risk situation and the
lending business were continuously monitored. The Committee
also reviewed the sales report, the outsourcing report and the
report prepared by the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
The two meetings of the Remuneration Control Committee
addressed the Bank’s remuneration systems, the goals and
remuneration of members of the Board of Management and all
related issues. The Committee determined the appropriateness
of MünchenerHyp’s remuneration systems and recommended
that the Supervisory Board take note of the results of the ap-
propriateness test.
Annual financial statements
The DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenver-
band e. V., Berlin, as the statutory auditing association, au-
dited the accounting records, annual financial statements and
the management report for financial year 2021 and issued an
unqualified audit opinion. No reservations were raised. The
auditors reported extensively on the key findings of the audit
during a meeting of the Audit Committee. They were also
available to provide additional information. Each member of
the Supervisory Board was provided in good time with the
auditing association’s audit report on the statutory audit
pursuant to Section 53 of the Cooperatives Act (Genossen-
schaftsgesetz – GenG) including the audit of Münchener Hy-
pothekenbank eG’s financial statements for 2021, for their
information. The Supervisory Board discussed the results of
the audit during a meeting held jointly with the Board of
Management and attended by the auditor. The results of the
audit are also reported at the Delegates Meeting.
The annual financial statements, the management report, the
Board of Management’s proposal for the allocation of distrib-
utable income, and the non-financial report were examined
by the Supervisory Board and approved. The Supervisory
Board recommends that the Delegates Meeting approve the
annual financial statements for 2021 – as explained – and
endorse the Board of Management’s proposal for the alloca-
tion of net income. The proposal complies with the provisions
of the Bank’s Articles of Association.
Report of the Supervisory Board