“This is us:
diverse, strong and committed”

Making decisions, taking responsibility, and daring to try new things together – these are the cornerstones of the cooperative way of thinking. For MünchenerHyp, this means that we see ourselves as a team and drive things forward with a common will.
Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen once encapsulated the principle of Germany’s cooperative movement in a phrase: “What is not possible for the individual can be achieved by the many.” This remains true to this day. The people at our bank pool their strengths to benefit our members, partners, customers and investors.
Our bank, which shares the values of the German Mittelstand, is characterised by flat hierarchies and direct communication that is not restricted to official channels. At MünchenerHyp, we encourage teams to take direct responsibility by giving them the power to make and implement decisions. This allows a wide range of expertise and talent to emerge – the perfect foundation for our success going forward.
In our current annual report, we wish to introduce you to the principles that our employees uphold in their work. Each individual brings their entire self to bear. We encourage this, because the interplay of individual strengths is what sets us apart.
Get to know us. This is us: MünchenerHyp.