
Over the past years we expanded our range of financial solutions to include ecologically sustainable offers.

We have implemented the MünchenerHyp Nachhaltigkeitsdarlehen (Sustainability Loan) for energy efficient residential buildings with preferential conditions. The MünchenerHyp Sustainability Loan can be granted for new buildings as well as purchasing, modernisation and follow-up financing of existing buildings. The environmental benefits of the Sustainability Loan comprise climate protection and the efficient use of energy and resources. We also offer our customers the benefits of the KfW residential housing programmes to finance their own four walls. KfW promotes home ownership, measures to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, modernisation of housing, and the construction of new energy-efficient housing as well as the installation of solar energy systems.

We also took steps at an early stage to utilise sustainable and resource-saving methods at our main office in Munich and implemented a series of energy-saving measures and processes to optimise the use of energy in our building. The result is that we have been able to reduce our per capita consumption of energy in recent years.