Human Rights Due Diligence
We explicitly recognise our social responsibility to comply with international human rights standards, particularly the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This recognition, which goes beyond the statutory requirements, is expressed in our guideline on “Human Rights and Diversity at MünchenerHyp”.
To identify potential adverse impacts on human rights, we have carried out an internal risk analysis. This involved identifying possible human rights risks to individuals potentially affected by our corporate activities. Various departments contributed to the analysis, for which we carried out our own documentary research and consulted external experts. As a result of the risk analysis, the possible impacts on our employees on the one hand (whom we influence directly) and on customers and their assets on the other (which we can influence indirectly) were rated. Accordingly our policy statement focusses on both these groups.
We have implemented an internal complaints mechanism for employees who feel that they have experienced discrimination. Due to our low-risk business model focussing on private portfolio properties in Germany, the risk of human rights impacts for customers was assessed as being low. In the commercial property financing field, there are various criteria excluding controversial business areas which could indirectly have negative human rights impacts. If MünchenerHyp has any evidence of human rights infringements or discrimination on the part of a potential business associate, this may, after investigation, result in the business being declined.