Press release
MünchenerHyp awarded for best ESG Deal 2022
Münchener Hypothekenbank eG (MünchenerHyp) has won the award for the best ESG Deal 2022 at this year's GlobalCapital Covered Bond Awards.
The award went to a green jumbo Pfandbrief with a volume of €1 billion, which the bank issued in April this year. The Pfandbrief has a coupon of 1.25 percent and a term of almost eight years. It meets the minimum standards of the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) for a green Pfandbrief and the ICMA Green Bond Principles.
The cover assets of the green jumbo Pfandbrief focus on energy efficiency, so the bond makes a positive contribution to climate change mitigation.
"As a pioneer in the market for sustainable Pfandbriefe, we are pleased that our issues continue to receive such high recognition in the market and to be awarded prizes. This encourages us on our way to becoming an even more sustainable bank," said Dr Louis Hagen Chairman of the MünchenerHyp Board of Management. The bank issued the world's first ESG Pfandbrief in 2014.
The Covered Bond Awards 2022 were presented by the international trade magazine GlobalCapital. The winners are chosen on the basis of a shortlist of selected issues by investors, investment banks and capital market experts.